Extreme hydrological events are on the increase and the associated heavy precipitation can usually only partially infiltrate. The remaining part often flows uncontrolled and unused into surface waters. In order to be able to use this precipitation water locally in later dry periods, e.g. to mitigate drought effects on agricultural land, water storage facilities must be created. These can be both surface and underground water storage solutions, such as artificial groundwater recharge, which must be implemented at suitable and available sites.

Entscheidungshilfe mittels Gis-gestützter Tool Box zur Speicherbewirtschaftung © ZALF/R. Baatz

A Gis-based storage management tool box will be developed for locating sites and for testing and evaluating their suitability and availability. The tool box will link local and spatial baseline data with data on the cost, effectiveness, and efficiency of individual storage methods and regulatory requirements. The results on potential locations and the efficiency of the water storage solutions recommended therein will be available to users, such as water boards and agencies, to aid in decision-making.