Oberirdische und unterirdische Wasserspeicher

Water storage technologies play a key role in integrated water management. The goal of water storage is reduced runoff of precipitation into receiving waters and retention in the landscape for delayed use in shortage situations.

Thus, water storage serves as a buffer to reduce uncontrollable water losses (e.g., from surface runoff). Furthermore, storage provides an opportunity to counteract the negative effects of climate change.

Additionally, water storage can improve agricultural productivity in addition to water security. Today, water storage options have a wide range and integrate surface and subsurface options. Water retention can be optimized through various management measures, both technological and natural. Preference is given to flexible and robust solutions that exploit synergies with other strategies.

The highest priority is given to measures that correspond to the goals of precautionary flood protection and low-water precaution. In addition to measures aimed at hydrological stabilization or renaturation of individual watercourses and their floodplains and strengthening groundwater recharge in the landscapes, an intelligent solution for water management on drained agricultural land is also being designed.